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EXPEDITIONIST Diaries: What to do with 24 Hours in Bangkok

EXPEDITIONIST Diaries: What to do with 24 Hours in Bangkok

Saint Patrick's Day this year marked the first time I had ever traveled to Southeast Asia, something that had been on the bucket list for as long as I can remember. A close friend of mine graciously organized 3 solid weeks of new experiences for us to share and new places to see, and I couldn't have planned it better if I tried.

Our trip started off with 21 hours of travel time, stopping briefly in Shanghai Airport, where I promptly bought far too many packs of peach flavoured High Chew candies (a flavor I have yet to find back home). We arrived in Bangkok Saturday evening and haggled with taxi drivers to take us to the legendary Khao San Road, a backpackers paradise. 

First things first, we had to stop for Pad Thai, so we walked up the endless row of restaurants, massage parlors, nightclubs, and bars until we found a spot to sit and have dinner (and by dinner I mean a snack at 3 am). We ended up ordering the most delicious spring rolls and strawberry daiquiris while we waited for the illustrious Pad Thai to come out. Needless to say, it didn't disappoint.

The next day we had to cram in all we wanted to see before heading to Bali the next morning so the itinerary went like this:

- Banana Pancake and Chang beer for Breakfast (Hey, when on vacation...)
- Walk to Rambuttri Road for shopping and Mango Sticky Rice (YUM)
- Take a Tuk Tuk around the city and stop at Lumphini Park for a Lizard scavenger hunt
- Stop at Chatuchak Market for more shopping
- Head to Victory Monument for All-You-Can-Eat Noodle Boat Lunch
- Drink more Changs
- Try street meat for the first time (Double YUM)
- Go to Thip Samai and try the best Pad Thai in the City
- Get a bucket of booze in Khao San Road
- Get another bucket of booze
- Eat more street meat
- Polish it off with a Chang

Did I mention that I love Chang? No? Well there you have it, I LOVE CHANG. OK moving on.... 

We ended our whirlwind day/night in Bangkok at the Oasis Hostel playing games, making new friends, and drinking even more Changs (surprise surprise). All in, I'd say that we did Bangkok the best way possible, even if it meant not being able to see the Riverboat Markets, but hey, there's always next time!


EXPEDITIONIST Diaries: Exploring Tonsai Beach in Krabi, Thailand

EXPEDITIONIST Diaries: Exploring Tonsai Beach in Krabi, Thailand

EXPEDITIONIST Diaries: What To Do On a 3 day Micro-Trip to Montreal

EXPEDITIONIST Diaries: What To Do On a 3 day Micro-Trip to Montreal